Yes - you can pay back some or all of your loan at any time. There is no fee for early repayments and you will actually pay less interest overall as you will have the loan for less time. 

If your loan reference number ends in 3 digits you may request this yourself online. If your loan reference number ends in 4 digits please contact our customer support team.

Extra Payments

If you would like to make a payment, please sign into your Salary Finance account and click ‘Make a Payment’.

Pay in Full

If you are thinking of repaying your loan in full...
And your SF Ref ends in 3 digits: 
Please sign into your Salary Finance account and click ‘Make a Payment’. On that page select 'Get settlement figure' and you'll download a PDF document containing all the details.

If your SF Ref ends with 4 digits: 
Please continue to contact us and our amazing team will assist you.

(Any settlement figure is 28 days from the date you request this, and any regular repayments during this 28 day period will still be made as normal.)